5 things that keep you from having sex

It's been so long that you're wondering if you still know how to do it? Every married couple has been in there. You start off strong as a newlywed; maybe you've had sex every day (or multiple times a day). Then, somewhere along the line, the honeymoon comes to an end, real-life takes over, and you can't remember the last time you did the deed. The first step in correcting this problem is to recognize exactly what's going on in your sex life . So, here are the top five things that keep you from doing: Exhaustion Most people today have non-stop schedules that have them jetting off to work, school, activities, such as going to the gym and running errands and finally trying to spend time with loved ones. Sleep is an afterthought. Truly, it’s a rat race, and you probably have no idea how to get off the wheel. Solution: Find even 15 minutes per day to nap or simply readjust your schedule – by eliminating unnecessary tasks or coming home about 15 minutes earlier – to recha...